I have been wanting to make a cover for the facial tissue box that sits in my half-bath to match the blue theme in there. I originally had made one with cardboard that I painted the same color as the wall. It was a nice idea, but it simply didn’t work, mainly because of the seams with the pieces of cardboard. I then had the idea to make a cozy out of fabric. I have been wanting to start embroidering things, so I thought this was the perfect project with which to start.
I tend to save fabric that I like. For example when a piece of clothing gets a stain that won’t come out or a hole or something, then I save it. For this project, I used an old blouse that had a stain on the front of it for the fabric. Then I just used matching embroidery thread. I stitch various stitches to join the seams and also just decorate the sides. It is certainly not my best work, but it was quick and easy, and I was able to practice embroidery stitches. I clearly still need more practice with the stitches.