Introducing Feste and Orsino

Last week I adopted two kittens from a woman who rescues cats from the streets. Both these cats came from the same area, an area where people seem to dump cats. They are both fairly young and thus able to be domesticated. Feste, the gray one is rather adventurous, always trying to get into everything and explore everywhere. He is very friendly and will no doubt trip me one of these days by his constant circling of my feet. Orsino,the brown one is much shyer. He is slowly letting me approach him but is still rather skittish. As to the names I gave them, I name all my pets after Shakespeare characters. Feste and Orsino are from Twelfth Night. Feste the character is a clown or fool, and Feste the cat is a total clown. Orsino the character is a duke, and it just seemed appropriate to name Orsino the cat that.









Orsino and Feste

Orsino and Feste

2 Replies to “Introducing Feste and Orsino”

  1. Feste looks perplexed in all these photos, like he’s sure he’s met you before but can’t quite remember that you’re the one who keeps giving him food. That second one just screams: “Wait, What?” Or maybe he just lost his glasses.