I came. I ran. I dyed. [I did not die though.]
Today I ran in Run or Dye. It is the very definition of a fun run. After running two fun runs, I have come to the realization that I need some insane fun run clothes. I don’t know when tutus became a thing at fun runs, but many people were wearing them today and at the Turtle Trot. Some people are even more inventive. Most people wore some white because during and after the race, they throw dye on you, so the white really helps to show off the dye. On a side note, according the packets of dye, the dye is made of cornstarch, food dye, and flavoring. I unintentionally got some of the dye in my mouth, and I have to wonder if the flavoring is to make you NOT want to eat it, as opposed to for what flavoring is normally used. Also not that you want to know this, but probably like everyone, I inhaled some dye. I have being blowing out some extremely amusingly colored mucus.
I am not trying to be philosophical, but a common phrase people use goes something like “I don’t care if he is white, black, brown, purple, or green” or some variation of that. Generally it is used to indicate that the speaker or some program or whatever is not racially discriminatory. After the race, I was just observing all the people covered in varying degrees with all the bright dyes. It occurred to me that at that moment, for once there really was some purple and green people. Funny thing was, with many people, they really were pink, purple, green, or some other color. Some people were covered so thoroughly that it was really difficult to tell what their skin color was. I thought it was wonderful. It was just a bunch of happy, sweaty, insanely colored people having a marvelous time.

The suspenders are holding up the hula skirt because how else are you going to keep a hula skirt on when you have no hips?
The dye would taste better I bet if the flavoring had sweetener as well. Favoring alone is disgusting! You and I took pics of the same people! Congratulations again, by the way! đŸ˜€