Previously I posted photos of the scenery along the Las Vegas Wash. The Las Vegas Wash attracts a lot of wildlife, particularly birds, because it is an important source of water. Below are photos of some of the wildlife I saw on it.
First the small wildlife. A pretty lady bug.
I have no idea what this is.
A spider.
There was a lot of birds. Bunches of American coots.
I think these are male Gambel’s quail.
I think this is a Gambel’s quail and a Crissal thrasher (its curved bill is more evident in another photo).
Black phoebe
Male northern flicker
The following three photos are of the same bird. I think it is a juvenile northern harrier, but I would really like someone to confirm that or tell me what it is.
Of course what body of water would be complete without fish. This fish had lovely orange lips.